Friday, February 15, 2008

A Thankful Heart

I entered two swaps on ravelry at the same time, Malabrigo and the Valentine Swap. For the Valentine Swap, we agreed not to open our packages until the 14. Now, as I mentioned earlier, I am new to whole swap thing, so I was tickled when my secret pal sent me anonymous emails! Let me tell you, my package was wonderful. I'm very excited and very thankful. Jinann was very sweet to me. Hugs!

I received 2 skeins of alpaca. I really like alpaca! Paca ped for socks, I'm so curious! And a lovely skein of red alpaca with gold flecks in it. I also received a skein of Cascade 220 for some good ole felting! Yipee! Isn't my new knitting bag the cutest?

Check out my photos above to share in my delight, but let me also share a testimony, you never know how God will work things out, even in small matters. Ok, so I was in Target last month and picked up the Friday Night Knitting Club, you know how we do in Target...Go in for baby diapers, come out with a basket full of who knows what. I got to the counter with second thoughts. I'm really trying to be a better steward over my financial resources. It so easy to go overboard in this beloved hobby. I left the book in the store and my friend Kelley told me she would loan me hers. Then, this week, I was out of coffee beans. I love making my own lattes. I had already been to the store three times and consistently picked up way more than I should. It just wasn't prudent to go back one more time and further over budget. So, on Wednesday, I doubled ground some old Folgers decaf. Nuff said. Let me tell you on Thursday when I opened that package and saw the book AND french roast coffee beans, I was so happy. Had I opened the package earlier, I may not have appreciated those coffee beans the way I did last night. Did you know that Caribou french roast coffee glistens in the bag? Does all french roast? I hadn't noticed.


chicagopurl said...

LOL! I have that same problem! And love the lattes!

Virtuous said...

Fabulous packages!

I almost bought that heart bag! ;op

Isn't it wonderful how God works thru others?!? He supplies all of our needs & wants!!

Scheherazaad said...

What wonderful gifts. I make my own lattes too. Knitting, shortbread and lattes mmmm.