Saturday, January 12, 2008

Loving Yarn

Well it's a New Year and my goal is going to be to post once a week. Blogging is new to me and I've been slow about getting into the blogging spirit. Part of the problem is that my knitting has been sporadic. It's tough to get focused time while trying to keep my precious little one out of my stash! I am very excited about some upcoming posts. I'm blocking my Green Gable sweater, knitted in Malabrigo and almost finished with my Central Park Hoodie.

But until next time, I thought I'd share some cute pictures and example of my hampered knitting. This was taken while my friends from Shepherd's Pride, my church crochet circle, were working in my living room on our holiday project. My son got into my mom's stash. He's hilarious!

1 comment:

ShopDaughter said...

Oh.My.Gosh. I swear that is the cutest picture I've ever seen!! I'm glad I wasn't the one that had to untangle that, though LOL

Can we start an Aaron (sp?) fan club? That child is so darn cute!!

You need to bring your green gable in, I MUST SEE IT :)
